Step 1 provides supportive, transitional housing to low or no income adult men in northern Nevada. These men, who often become homeless as a result of their substance abuse issues and associated criminal behaviors, but demonstrate a strong desire to change their lives, are provided an opportunity for growth and change at Step 1.
Many of the men requesting supportive housing at Step 1 enter the program directly from incarceration, homelessness, area treatment centers, the court system, and concerned family members.

The Model
The model of supportive transitional housing provided by Step 1 is time tested and unique to northern Nevada. Structured transitional housing, combined with ASAM Level 1 Outpatient Substance Abuse Counseling and peer-to-peer mentoring, creates an environment for promoting responsible, pro-social values.
Each client receives substance abuse counseling to not only deal with addiction issues, but to learn how to become self-sufficient so that they can reintegrate back into the local community.

This program helps ensure their long-term continued success by holding each client accountable for their actions.
Not only is the work being accomplished at Step 1 invaluable to the client receiving services, but the community we all live in. In fact, 95% of the men that graduate from the program do not return to prison within the critical first year, saving tax payers over 2.5 million dollars annually.
Step 1’s philosophy since 1993 is: “Do the next right thing.”