Take the all-important first step on the road to recovery and regaining control.


Given that Step 1 is a gender specific program, only treating male clients, the treatment admission prioritization for Step 1, Inc. is in the following order:

1. Injection drug users
2. All others

Pregnant injection drug users and pregnant substance abusers are referred to programs in the community that serve the female population.

How Do I Apply?

What Happens Next?


Before admittance, all clients must be 72 hours substance/alcohol free.
Clients that are felons are required to register with the local authorities. Step 1 will send you to get registered once admitted.

Be sure to have all non-narcotic prescription medications filled and have an adequate amount for the duration of your stay.



Saturday Only – 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m.

Children must be supervised and remain on the main floor. All visitors must be clean and sober to enter the facility.

Technology Use

Phone calls are permitted at designated times.  The house phone can be used for local incoming and outgoing calls – no long distance. Cell phones are permitted in designated areas and at designated times. No cell phone use on the main floor.  When listening to music, please use your ear buds or headphones.

No computers, laptops, or tablets allowed on premises.

Smoking Policy

Smoking permitted in designated off-site areas only.